Monthly Archives: October 2013

Portrait of a beautiful young woman in the back yard with healthy hair, skin & nails

Healthy hair, skin & nails – which nutrients are best?

For maximum benefits to skin, hair and nails at development and growth stages we need to ensure optimum nutrition. The annual spend on topical applications for health and beauty is exceptional especially when we consider that external areas to which we apply products are classified as dead ‘keratinised’ surfaces. British women spend £10 billion on skin and hair products annually!

In this blog we look at the anatomy of our skin and the cell formation for hair and nails, to understand the nutritional requirements, before detailing a range of nutrients with specific and beneficial roles in supporting the structure, quality, growth and condition of our hair, skin, and nails.  Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 3rd January 2024 by cytoffice

polyphenol foods and supplementation

Health & Nutrition in the News

A review of recent health related research stories that made the news with five items comprising: ‘Dietary polyphenols may be associated with longevity’; ‘Frozen fruit and vegetables can be healthier, with higher levels of vitamins’; ‘Vitamin D supplements effect on healthy bones queried’; ‘Researchers claim that sleep detoxes the brain’; and ‘Research confirms Mediterranean diet is good for the mind’. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 21st January 2025 by cytoffice

Blood sugar balance & Chromium GTF

Blood sugar imbalance is a condition where your body does not handle glucose effectively. Throughout the day blood glucose levels may fluctuate outside of the body’s desired blood glucose range. Levels may swing from being very high, perhaps after a meal, stimulant or stress – To being very low, for example if you skipped breakfast. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 7th February 2025 by cytoffice

Celadrin Joint Support

Celadrin® Supplement – Support for painful and inflamed joints?

Many people suffer from joint problems and pain, for example in the hands or knees. Inflammation of the joints is the most common cause of this ailment that unfortunately afflicts many of us in varying degrees of severity and frequency. It is a common ailment for many as we get older and to a lesser extent as a result of manual work or sports. The more severe and chronic forms would be termed Osteoarthritis and Arthritis. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 15th December 2014 by

Fruit and veg suppliments

Health & Nutrition in the News

We present a review of recent health related research stories that made the news with five items comprising: High fruit and veg consumption can increase life expectancy; A rise in Vitamin K supplement popularity; More men taking daily vitamins; Higher omega-3 levels linked to lower risk of depressive symptoms in women; can blueberry flavonoids boost heart health? Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 15th December 2014 by