Monthly Archives: March 2014

EFA’s and Omega 3 – health support for all the family

EFA’s and Omega 3 – health support for all the family

Not everyone will be familiar with the term ‘EFA’s’ and how relevant it is to diet and health, however many more people are well aware of the nutritional term ‘Omega 3’ and the beneficial health aspects of a diet rich in this nutrient. In this article we explore how important it is to have a diet balanced in EFA’s; what they are, and why certain EFA’s are so important to health – for everyone in the family from the youngest member to the oldest. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 15th December 2014 by

Selenium Supplements

Selenium, vitamin E supplements increase prostate cancer risk?

Another vitamin and mineral supplement ‘scare’ hit the headlines recently with claims from USA research that high supplement doses of (jointly) vitamin E and the mineral Selenium could increase prostate cancer risks. Although the purpose of the research was to attempt to find a positive correlation (for prostate and select nutrients) it was reported that their findings appeared to suggest the opposite. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 15th December 2014 by

Probiotic Health and Mood

Are your tummy microbes making you Melancholic?

How does your gut health affect your mood – could the microbes in your tummy be making you melancholic? We look at this and other recent health related research that made the news, including:

‘Government advice on folic acid supplements for pregnancy appears to be failing; but is the suggested mandatory folic acid fortification of flour good for us all’? ‘Several forms of vitamin E protect against memory disorders, study says’; and ‘do combined Selenium and vitamin E supplements increase prostate cancer risk’? Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 15th December 2014 by

Natural Dietary Detoxification

Natural Dietary Detoxification

For many people the term ‘detox’ immediately conjures visions of minimalist diets comprising perhaps just water and the odd carrot. The reality is of course that a sensible detoxification diet is not a hardship. And indeed many people benefit from a short period of detoxification with a dietary ‘regime’ of their own choosing that simply minimises the ingestion of certain foods and drinks. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 7th February 2025 by cytoffice