“Vitamin pills to stop dementia a waste of money” ran the Times for their story reporting on the latest research released by the University of Oxford (clinical trial service unit). The University website headlined a conclusion that “Taking B vitamins won’t prevent Alzheimer’s disease”. (link to website item below)
Monthly Archives: July 2014
“In China the menopause is known as the Second Spring and it is regarded as a time when women often find a new and more confident voice. Women at midlife are valued for their wisdom and respected for their life experience. Menopause is considered to be a new and surefooted beginning. That sounds good to me!” So writes Aisling Grimley, founder of the website and blog ‘My Second Spring’.
Last updated on 1st November 2017 by cytoffice
Our article this week is kindly provided by Dr Peter Mansfield. Peter has spent more than forty years in the field of health, both as a G.P. in London and Lincolnshire, and running his own health and nutrition service. As Peter states “My great passion was, and remains, the importance of good nutrition as the starting point for health”. Peter has provided below what he terms ‘A baker’s dozen of tips for sustained health – My fifty year learning curve!’ Continue reading
Last updated on 2nd February 2016 by cytoffice
This article provides a basic overview of human joint health and how this relates to nutrition and relevant food supplements. At a later date we will be providing a health practitioner based article on this topic that will cover relevant issues such as inflammatory mediators; how generalised low grade inflammation decreases pain threshold; trigger foodstuffs and more complex explanations of the mechanisms by which supplements such as glucosamine. Omega 3 and Celadrin may support joint health and relieve pain. Continue reading
Last updated on 9th January 2025 by cytoffice
Methylation is one of the body’s most important and commonest chemical processes, occurring many times a second in every cell and organ of the body. Methylation is a process that is vital for our health and wellbeing and can be simply summed by as the addition of a methyl group, or ‘CH3’, to many chemical compounds in the body. This article will explain what this means to you. Continue reading
Last updated on 5th March 2020 by cytoffice