Monthly Archives: March 2021

upper digestive tract symptoms

Upper gut dysfunction & Gastro-AD

Upper digestive tract symptoms are common, particularly in western society, manifesting as acid reflux, heartburn, gastritis and, in severe cases, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). Globally 10-20% of people experience GORD, with a higher percentage in western civilisations1. Currently medical interventions for GORD and other gastric conditions involve symptom management by synthetic pharmaceuticals including proton pump inhibitors and antacids or surgery.

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Last updated on 24th March 2021 by cytoffice

mental health

Supporting your mental health after lockdowns

Those who already experience mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression and stress in their lives may feel overwhelmed by all that is surrounding us right now. And many of us who took our mental health for granted, are having to acknowledge the fact that it can be tricky not to feel overloaded with lots of information, testing our resilience by constantly having to adapt to what we are being guided to do by the government and the media, whilst dealing with peer pressure and feeling the effects of isolation and lack of contact {Yamamoto, 2020 #34188}.

This blog has been written by one of our guest writers Miguel Toribio-Mateas,  renowned clinical neuroscientist and nutrition practitioner. Miguel is also currently working towards a professional doctorate in health neuroscience.

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Last updated on 16th December 2021 by cytoffice

vitamin D and CVID-19

The role of vitamin D and COVID-19 – the latest research (part 2)

This in-depth and highly researched article by Eshani King, a researcher in immunology and health, follows on from her first piece for us; ‘The role of vitamin D and COVID-19 – the latest research‘.

This review adopts an integrated, comprehensive approach in reviewing the emerging evidence and developments from varying sources to consolidate and add to the knowledge base on vitamin D and Covid-19. Highlighting the central role of vitamin D deficiency in Covid-19 pathology mediated by an uncontrolled excess of angiotensin II and bradykinin, as well as the failure of T-cells, it builds on evidence previously reviewed in May 2020 on the role of vitamin D deficiency in Covid-19 deaths [1].

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Last updated on 18th June 2021 by cytoffice