Stress & anxiety

Good nutrition is one way to help support the body and mind during periods of stress. In this section of our blog, we look at ways to combat the tiredness that often accompanies chronic, long-term stress, alongside other factors contributing to stress and anxiety.

taking a breath

Let the breath be your guide

The art of breathing is both innately simple and infinitely complex. Breathing is a critical function that both sparks and ...
anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression: The hidden link

Anxiety and depression are common conditions in modern times. With events such as the current Covid-19 crisis exacerbating stress, anxiety ...
Stress: what is it and how does it affect our brain health?

Stress: what is it and how does it affect our brain health?

We are living in unprecedented times where our levels of stress are at an all-time high.  We may be stressed ...

Which breathing exercises help alleviate stress?

Intuitively most people would agree that breathing exercises can help with stress. The links between the two are many and ...

Why gratitude is good for you

Bev Alderson is a wellbeing professional who works with individuals, groups and workplaces, choosing to take a more positive and proactive ...

Keeping healthy when you have self-isolate

At a time where it is necessary for self-isolation or to reduce social contact it is also essential that we ...
emotional eating

Emotional eating: is there a role for nutrition?

Have you ever reached for a bar of chocolate when you are having a stressful day at work? Or perhaps ...
Taking the stress out of the festive season

Taking the stress out of the festive season

This week's article is provided by guest writer Bev Alderson; a Mindfulness, Yoga and Stress Management Consultant. Bev works with ...