
Looking after your mind is just as important as taking care of your body. Our cognitive blogs explore everything from mindfulness and brain fog to scientific research-based studies on Alzheimer’s and other diseases.

Krill Oil Capsules

Krill Oil Supplements

In recent years krill oil supplements have come to rival fish oils in terms of popularity and sales. It is ...

Alzheimers and Dementia research

The UK Government have recently announced a welcomed increase in funding for Alzheimer's and Dementia research as the UK hosted ...
polyphenol foods and supplementation

Health & Nutrition in the News

A review of recent health related research stories that made the news with five items comprising: ‘Dietary polyphenols may be ...
Fruit and veg suppliments

Health & Nutrition in the News

We present a review of recent health related research stories that made the news with five items comprising: High fruit ...
Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Pernicious Anemia

We get many enquiries from people suffering from acute or on-going symptoms of regular pins and needles in the limbs ...
Neurological Illness and Vitamin B

Can B-Vitamins Help Deter Alzheimer’s & Dementia?

“Vitamin B could stave off Alzheimer’s - Elderly people could stave off Alzheimer's disease by taking Vitamin B supplements because ...
Omega 3 FIsh Oil Benefits

A closer look at Omega 3 – EPA/DHA & the latest Research

Omega 3 is an ‘Essential Fatty Acid’ and the topic of Omega 3 seems never far from the public eye ...
Full Moon, Insomnia and Magnesium!

Full Moon, Insomnia and Magnesium!

Did you catch the item on the news the other day about the full moon and disrupted sleep? I heard ...