Cytoplan is a leader in the highly specialised food-based supplementation sector with a product range continually developed based on the latest nutrition research for optimally ‘bio-effective’ products. Not all vitamins and minerals are the same and a bio-effective nutrient is one that will easily be taken up into human metabolic pathways and have a biological outcome that is beneficial to health.
It is especially important to look after yourself during the winter months due to colder weather, darker nights and an increased risk of illness. We often avoid illnesses, like colds and the flu, by keeping away from anyone with an infection, washing our hands frequently and keeping warm but what about inside our body? After all, this is where germs can take hold if they get the chance.
Nutrition is a key factor in looking after ourselves and preventing both short and long-term harm. Eating the right foods keeps our immune system strong and ready to ward off potential viruses. In particular, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium and zinc are immune boosters.
One of the key vitamins for immunity during the winter months is vitamin D; we obtain around 90% of our vitamin D from sunshine between April and September.
Unfortunately, the number of cases of vitamin D deficiency is increasing due to people not spending enough time outdoors or covering up when they are outside. So it doesn’t come as a surprise the UK government recommends “adults and children over the age of one should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10µg of vitamin D, particularly during autumn and winter.”
But why is vitamin D so important? Vitamin D keeps bones and teeth healthy by helping the body absorb calcium. It is also important for the proper functioning of the immune system.
If you would like help and advice on diet and lifestyle to support your immune system, or other aspects of your health, you can complete and return a health questionnaire to us. One of our qualified Nutritional Therapists will review the information provided and send you some written diet and lifestyle recommendations. This is a FREE, confidential service. You can download our health questionnaire here.