
We recommend an all-round multivitamin and mineral formula is taken daily, as a foundation, to bridge the nutrition gap. The nutrition gap describes the difference between the levels of nutrients the average person – eating a reasonable Western diet – is obtaining from food, and the levels of nutrients identified by research as being needed for optimal health. Read our blogs for more on this topic.

The foundations of health: the top 3 supplements to support optimal health

The foundations of health: the top 3 supplements to support optimal health

When we refer to the ‘foundations of health’ we are talking about creating a solid foundation upon which we can ...
eat healthy

Obtaining optimal health on a budget

As we enter a cost-of-living crisis, we are all feeling extra pressure in our pockets with difficult choices to be ...
Nutrient requirements through the ages

Nutrient requirements through the ages

Our nutritional requirements can vary from one life stage to the next and can alter according to specific reasons such ...
Female hiker stepping across rocks running through a lake

What is the nutrition gap?  

Nutrients extracted from the food that we eat are used initially for immediate needs, such as energy production and maintaining ...
Bridging the gap

Bridging the nutrition gap with a multivitamin and mineral

Investigations carried out by Dr Paul Clayton identified the difference between the nutrients that the average population obtains from food ...
Protein powders – a useful supplement to everyday diets

Protein powders – a useful supplement to everyday diets

There are many different types, shapes and sizes of protein powders. They can be a useful supplement to a balanced ...