A review of recent health related research stories that made the news with five items comprising: ‘Low Omega-3 could explain why some children struggle with reading’; ‘Bacteria responsible for gum disease facilitates development and progression of rheumatoid arthritis’; ‘Nutritional supplement intervention may have significant benefits in hospital’; ‘Three-year low-dose menaquinone-7 (Vitamin K2) supplementation helps decrease bone loss in healthy postmenopausal women’ and ‘Exercise when you’re pregnant ‘and you’ll have a brighter baby’. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: November 2013
Are you a fan of Olive Oil? I love it for its healthy properties and delicious taste. There are lots of brands of Olive Oil and when it comes to Extra Virgin Olive Oil the varieties and depths of flavour available make it akin to a passion for fine wines. Continue reading
A review of recent health related research stories that made the news with five items comprising: ‘Saturated fat heart disease ‘myth’; ‘Taking vitamin pills daily could cut breast cancer death rate by 30%’; ‘Chief medical officer calls for free vitamins for kids’; ‘Nearly one in five adults across the UK are eating less fruit and veg as prices soar’ and ‘Women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer by 14%’. Continue reading
Unfortunately a course of antibiotics may be unavoidable in helping to treat certain colds and flu. Antibiotics frequently disrupt the digestion causing diarhhoea and discomfort. In this article we look at advice on how to minimise antibiotic associated digestive upsets, and advice on diet and nutrition to help speed recovery. Continue reading
Last updated on 29th January 2015 by Cytoplan