Monthly Archives: August 2014

Water – The Elixir of Life

We all know that water and hydration are essential for human life. But how much do we really know about these topics, and applying some form of ‘best practice’ to maximise our healthy hydration levels?

Lesley Una Pierce is a Director of The Nutritional Healing Foundation and her new book ‘The Life-Saver’s Guide to Water – The Elixir of Life’ may help many of us think more consciously about this essential health matter.
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Last updated on 8th August 2018 by cytoffice

Thyroid Problems – the difference between ‘form’ and ‘function’

Thyroid Problems – the difference between ‘form’ and ‘function’

Most people think of health problems being about disease and ‘something’ (usually an organ) failing on some level. However, in my experience of working with hormones, they illustrate that there are often functional reasons behind problems being experienced.

This may be why so many health problems seem to have no identifiable cause, because medicine looks for problems at the organ level – it looks at ‘form’. When it comes to thyroid problems it looks at the ‘form’ of the gland – is it diseased or failing? Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 5th March 2020 by cytoffice

Our Genes throughout life

Our Genes throughout life – the importance of dietary components and Nutrition

In our ongoing series of articles on the emerging and exciting field of Nutrigenomics we continue to explore and demystify topics such as epigenetics, polymorphism, gene expression and methylation. We also look at the practical application for nutritional genomics with individual genetic profiles. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 11th December 2014 by

Coeliac Disease – ‘The Most Under-Diagnosed Disorder In The World

Coeliac Disease – ‘The Most Under-Diagnosed Disorder In The World

The most serious physical reaction to gluten is coeliac disease. It is an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to shorten the intestinal cilia resulting in a reduced nutrient uptake. Many coeliacs are not diagnosed until a relatively late age even though they have been showing symptoms for years. Furthermore most people suffering from coeliac disease remain undiagnosed throughout their lives causing the condition to be called the most under-diagnosed disease in the world. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 21st January 2015 by