Monthly Archives: January 2018

Two women rowing on a lake wearing red boyancy vests. They are staying healthy over 45 with exercise and nutrition.

Maintaining health over 45: changes to nutritional needs as you age

As we approach our mid 40s it is often a time for reflection and change and this is great time to review our lifestyles, including diet. Our requirement for nutrients increases as we get older, our innate production of antioxidants such as CoQ10 and glutathione declines, and our ability to assimilate nutrients from our food can reduce due to low digestive capacity. Hence, it is essential to ensure your diet provides optimal levels of all nutrients.

This blog aims to highlight specific areas of wellbeing and nutrition which are important to focus on for the over 45s.

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Last updated on 5th February 2025 by cytoffice

In the news – health and nutrition research

In this week’s article, we provide a roundup of some of the most recent health and nutrition related articles in the news, four items comprising:

  • Weekly fish consumption linked to better sleep, higher IQ
  • Curcumin improves memory and mood
  • Extent of vitamin D’s role extends to easing IBS symptoms: Reviews
  • Mediterranean diet may help women receiving IVF to achieve successful pregnancies

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Last updated on 1st February 2018 by cytoffice

Exercise – can there be too much of a good thing?

It’s the New Year and many people will start exercise regimes to help them on their weight loss journey and throw everything; energy, time and resources at their weight loss, strength gain, or health goals, feeling invigorated and energised, high on their new workout drug.

This full-on approach seems to work for a while. However, things may then start to deteriorate. Stalling of weight/fat loss, fatigue, aches and pains and generally feeling run down may become more frequent.

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Last updated on 24th April 2019 by cytoffice