Monthly Archives: June 2018

A pile of pebbles on the wooden bridge on the beach. Conveying balance, stillness and calm - feelings and qualities that practising mindfulness can also help you to access.

The practice of mindfulness – part 1

Studies have indicated that practicing mindfulness can help you to manage common mental health problems. Indeed, the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) – the organisation that produces guidelines on best practice in health care – recommends using mindfulness to treat mild depression and to help prevent further episodes of depression. But what exactly is mindfulness and how do you ‘practice’ it?

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Last updated on 3rd July 2024 by cytoffice

In the news – health and nutrition research

In this week’s article, we provide a roundup of some of the most recent health and nutrition related articles in the news, five items comprising:

  • Study links vitamin A levels to infant growth
  • Probiotics for bipolar disorder mania
  • All babies should be given vitamin D from birth, say experts
  • Dietary fibres boost beneficial bacterial
  •  Gut bacteria linked to risk of heart attack and stroke

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Last updated on 28th June 2018 by cytoffice

The role of stress in the onset of type 2 diabetes

This week is diabetes awareness week. We know that the incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing and although diet plays a fundamental role in the onset of the disease, other aspects of modern life are also contributing and need to be addressed in conjunction with dietary changes. Therefore in this blog we investigate the association of stress and diabetes and how high stress levels can play a significant role in the progression of type 2 diabetes.

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Last updated on 3rd July 2019 by cytoffice