Monthly Archives: May 2024

Woman doing yoga by a lake at sunrise. She is in upward dog pose and wears a vest and leggings. Yoga can help to balance stress and cortisol levels.

Stress and cortisol: the impact on health

In the modern world, stress is no longer experienced in response to an occasional threat, as it once was, but has become a constant part of everyday life. Statistics from 2023 reveal that 76% of workers feel moderate to high levels of stress regularly, while 74% of the general public often feel overwhelmed by stress.

It is well known that chronic stress is linked to numerous adverse health outcomes and so finding effective stress-management strategies and ways to neutralise the ill-effects of unavoidable stress are more important than ever. In this article we will discuss not only how stress affects the body and can contribute to disease, but also how to support stress levels with nutrition, supplements and lifestyle.1

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Last updated on 5th February 2025 by cytoffice

Young woman sat holding a mug whilst journalling. Journalling may help when trying to build and reinforce healthful habits.

Building habits and staying consistent  

How many of us try to start a new healthy habit? Although we may begin with plenty of motivation and enthusiasm, after a while the consistency begins to wane, we slip back into previous ways and the new habit falls by the wayside.

Many people may start a new exercise regime, eating plan or take up meditation for example, but after a few weeks can really struggle to maintain the initial momentum. The same can be the case for taking supplements, we start off diligently and then forget every so often or forget to reorder and then we miss a week or so and are back to where we started.  

Like many healthful activities, benefits are best seen when we stay consistent, so why is it so difficult to keep on track? This blog looks at some of the psychology behind building habits and gives practical tools to how we can stay consistent when trying to achieve our health goals.  

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Last updated on 3rd July 2024 by cytoffice