The Cytoplan nutritional supplement Glucosamine Sulphate is part of our ‘nutrients from nature’ range. It is specifically for joint support and therefore mainly used by those experiencing joint problems and/or pain, a common ailment for many as we get older. It is also commonly used by ‘athletes’ or those undergoing regular ‘rigorous’ exercise (from teenagers upward).
Glucosamine Sulphate
Much of the glucosamine used in the body is associated with sulphur in the form of sulphate. The supplement Glucosamine Sulphate therefore bears a strong resemblance to closely related materials naturally occurring in the body.
Amino sugars and Glucosamine Sulphate
The extra-cellular connective tissue matrix is a mesh of microfibres that give your skin firmness and supports muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and other organs. Although it is constantly being broken down, it is also constantly being repaired. A problem arises if the rate of breakdown exceeds the rate of repair. Then skin and other connective tissues such as cartilage lose their structure. This shows up as aging skin and thinning cartilage, as in osteoarthritis. To prevent this deterioration, you must increase the rate at which the matrix is repaired, and that largely depends on the rate at which your body can produce the amino sugar glucosamine.
The entire human skeleton is renewed every 10 years or so. This means we all need good tissue regeneration rates to keep us healthy. Glucosamine speeds regeneration. As long as your rate of repair keeps up with the rate of tissue loss, your bones and tissues will stay healthy.
Can we be short of Glucosamine?
Yes, it would appear so. When there is excess wear, more raw ‘material’ is needed for repair of the joints and surrounding structures. If body chemistry is unbalanced, it may be that insufficient glucosamine is formed, which limits our ability to repair wear and damage. Equally, as we age the enzyme glucosamine synthetase becomes less effective, which slows the rate of matrix repair. This is why healing is slower in the elderly.
Best Natural Sources of Glucosamine
There are no edible sources of Glucosamine – bound forms do occur in cartilage, but in meat this is gristle and we tend not to eat it.
Glucosamine Sulphate and Exercise
Those engaged in regular physical exercise of a demanding nature on the joints e.g. athletes, martial arts, joggers (etc.) or those engaged in physical games such as rugby, hockey, tennis (etc.) may need to supplement the naturally occurring amino sugar glucosamine in their body with a nutritional supplement of glucosamine sulphate. Excess ‘wear’ on the joints means a greater need for amino sugars such as glucosamine to repair the joints and surrounding structures.
How Much to Take?
Cytoplan Glucosamine Sulphate supplement comprises 500mg per capsule and a suggested intake would be 1-3 capsules daily with food, or take as directed by a practitioner. Typically around 3 capsules per day would be suggested for those engaged in active and demanding exercise and 1-2 capsules for those seeking ‘maintenance’ support.
For those experiencing pain in the joints taking a Glucosamine Sulphate supplement can take around 6 weeks to have a suitable effect. For more assistance and help on the best dosage for you see below ‘how we can help’. NB: Glucosamine is best taken with a meal containing protein.
Glucosamine for Vegetarians and Vegans
Cytoplan Glucosamine Sulphate is derived from the shells of shellfish from Far Eastern waters. Our vegan glucosamine is made from aspergillus niger and is in the form Glucosamine HCL.
How Cytoplan can Help Further?
Telephone: Telephone us between 9 am – 5 pm Monday-Friday on 01684 310099 if you have any questions regarding Glucosamine Sulphate or any other nutritional matters
Health Questionnaire: Alternately complete our free health questionnaire (compiled by our nutritionist – the questionnaire is confidential and our nutritionist will respond directly to you)
Email: Email Amanda on with any questions or requests for further advice
Recommend: We can recommend a suitable health practitioner in your part of the UK; email Amanda (see above) with your details