Coeliac disease – symptoms, risk factors & diagnosis

Whilst awareness of coeliac disease and gluten-free diets in general has grown rapidly in recent years, awareness around specific symptoms and diagnosis methods relating to this lifelong autoimmune condition is still relatively low. Indeed, around 1 in 100 people have coeliac disease but only a quarter have actually been diagnosed.

With it being coeliac disease awareness week, we considered it to be a fitting time to look at this condition in more detail; including some of the most common symptoms and risk factors associated with the condition, as well the main steps towards getting a diagnosis and how the gluten-free diet is the key to becoming symptom-free.

What is coeliac disease?

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition where the immune system mistakes healthy cells for harmful ones and produces antibodies which result in the small intestine becoming inflamed and less able to absorb nutrients. It can cause a range of symptoms including diarrhoea, abdominal pain and bloating, as well as non-gut related symptoms.

The condition is caused by an adverse reaction to gluten, a dietary protein found in three types of cereal: wheat, barley and rye (oats may also be contaminated with gluten, unless labelled gluten-free).

The surface of the intestine is covered with millions of tiny projections known as villi which increase its surface area and help with more efficient food digestion. However, in coeliac disease, the damage caused to the lining of the small intestine flattens the villi which can result in malabsorption.

How common is coeliac disease?

Coeliac disease is a common condition that affects around 1 in 100 people. However, only around a quarter of the people who have the condition have been diagnosed meaning that around half a million people are currently suffering from the condition without knowing.

Dermatitis herpetiformis

Dermatitis herpetiformis, or ‘DH’ as it is often referred too, is the skin manifestation of coeliac disease which often occurs as a rash on the elbows, knees, shoulders and face. It affects around 1 in 3,300 people so is far less common than coeliac disease.

Symptoms of coeliac disease can include:

  • frequent bouts of diarrhoea or loose stools
  • nausea, feeling sick and vomiting
  • stomach pain and cramping
  • lots of gas and bloating
  • feeling tired all the time, ongoing fatigue
  • anaemia (you would be told if you’re anaemic following a blood test)
  • weight loss (although not in all cases)
  • regular mouth ulcers
  • constipation or hard stools

Risk factors for coeliac disease

Family History and Genetic Predisposition

Coeliac disease is more common in those with a family history of the condition. This means that if you have a blood relative with coeliac disease, you are at increased risk for developing it too. It occurs in up to 5-10% of family members of people diagnosed with coeliac disease.

Around 95% of people who have coeliac disease have the HLA-DQ2 gene and the majority of the remaining 5% have the HLA-DQ8 gene. Genetic testing can determine if you have one or both of these genes. It is, however, important to note that having this gene means that you are at risk for developing coeliac disease but it does not mean that you definitely have it or will develop it.

Having another autoimmune condition

If you already have an autoimmune condition such as thyroid disease or type 1 diabetes, then this leaves you at a greater risk for developing coeliac disease (and conversely a diagnosis of coeliac increases the risk of developing thyroid disease or type 1 diabetes).


There are two main steps towards a coeliac disease diagnosis:

  • Your GP will take a blood test to check for specific types of antibodies. These are a significant marker for coeliac disease, however it is possible to have a negative test and still have coeliac disease.
  • If your blood test is positive or there is a clinical suspicion of coeliac disease, then your GP will refer you to a specialist for a gut biopsy to check for villus atrophy (ie wearing down of the villi lining the small intestine).

Please note that you should not remove gluten from your diet before or during either stage. Only when the biopsy is complete.

In the case of children, a biopsy may not be a necessary step in every case. New guidelines have been published by Coeliac UK and the British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN) recommending that children with symptoms of coeliac disease whose blood tests show a high level of antibodies and who have the genes for coeliac disease, may not need to have a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

For more information on getting a diagnosis, please follow this link to the Coeliac Society website.

Non-coeliac Gluten Sensitivity

There are also many people who do not have coeliac disease  but who still have a reaction to gluten – this is known as non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), the prevalence of which is unknown. In this case, when gluten is consumed, it can cause irritation and inflammation of the digestive system, leading to unpleasant digestive symptoms such as bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, fullness and discomfort.

NCGS can also cause or contribute to non-gastrointestinal symptoms such as autoimmunity, allergic and atopic conditions such as hay fever, mental health disorders and other inflammatory conditions.

In addition, during the digestion of gluten, substances called gluteomorphins are produced. These are opioid like substances that can impart an opioid effect on the brain as they have both sedating and addictive properties. Therefore they can contribute to food addictions, making it difficult to remove gluten from the diet, post meal slumps and some studies have linked them with conditions such as brain fog, depression and autism.

Other wheat related conditions

Beyond coeliac disease there can be allergic reactions to other non-gluten proteins in wheat (ie wheat allergy). In addition, the carbohydrates (fructans) in wheat can be problematic for some people and contribute to IBS. This is why wheat is excluded from FODMAP diets (FODMAP = Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols).

Gluten free diets

‘Gluten free’ diets have become popular in recent years. In fact, the ‘free from’ market in general is growing so rapidly that it is expected to be worth £550 million by the year 2019. And the ‘gluten free’ market itself grew by 12.6% globally in the last year.

Last week The Daily Telegraph reported on research conducted by Harvard University on the potential negative impact of a gluten free diet if you DON’T have coeliac disease.

Researchers at Harvard looked at data from nearly 120,000 people over 26 years and found that going gluten free did not cut the risk of heart disease. In fact, they warned that restricting dietary gluten may result in a low intake of whole grains, which some research has shown as being beneficial for the heart.

Wholegrains do provide a significant source of fibre (along with other nutrients) – in the US-diet wheat based products make up 78% of dietary fibre, therefore, very often, when a person removes gluten from their diet they also remove most of the fibre. Many ‘gluten free’ products on the market are heavily processed and low in fibre. However, it is more than possible to get a good intake of wholegrains from non-gluten sources such as brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat and gluten-free oats.

It should also be remembered that vegetables and fruit provide excellent sources of dietary fibre. Many studies have shown a direct relationship with the number of fruits and vegetables consumed and overall health and mortality. They are not only a great source of fibre but also high in many vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and anti-oxidants (you can optimise the intake of these by eating as many different colours of vegetables and fruits as possible).

Another gluten free source of fibre is pulses such as lentils, beans and chickpeas, these are high in many nutrients and are also a source of protein.

So should you cut out gluten?

If you have a family history of coeliac disease and gut symptoms or other health conditions that you suspect may be linked to gluten, then visit your GP to discuss whether a test for coeliac disease is appropriate. A positive test and subsequent diagnosis of coeliac disease requires lifelong avoidance of gluten.

Coeliac testing does not identify all cases of coeliac disease, in addition a negative test result does not rule out ‘non-coeliac gluten sensitivity’ – you might therefore like to carry out a ‘gluten-free elimination trial’ – this is where you remove all sources of gluten from your diet for at least a month and see how your symptoms are.

It is important to make a note of your symptoms at the start of the trial and perhaps rate them on a scale of 0 to 10 (ie where 0 is as bad as it could be and 10 is as good as it could be). Then at the end of the month, rate your symptoms again and compare the scores. If you feel your symptoms have improved significantly you have two choices:

  • reintroduce gluten and continue to monitor your symptoms – if you experience a flare-up this will suggest that you are reacting to it. Note that you may also get ‘new’ symptoms when you reintroduce gluten, so watch for these too;


  • continue to eliminate gluten on the basis that you have improved, in other words you may not feel you need to carry out a trial reintroduction.

Healing the gut

After diagnosis of coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity and removing gluten from the diet, the healing process time depending on the individual. Some people feel significantly better within a few days of starting a gluten-free diet however others may see more of a gradual improvement in their symptoms.

It is estimated that it can take between six months and up to five years (in some cases longer) for the gut damage caused by eating gluten to fully heal. Several factors are thought to be involved in the variable time taken for the gut to heal, including age and severity of gut damage at diagnosis.

When removing gluten from the diet you can help the healing and repair process by:

  • Following an anti-inflammatory diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and low in sugar with healthy fats and protein.
  • Getting 8-10 portions of vegetables and of 1-2 fruit to obtain good levels of fibre (increase vegetables gradually and lightly steamed or in soups may be best initially). Fibre will encourage a healthy balance of gut bacteria which have anti-inflammatory benefits on the gut lining.
  • Consider prebiotic and fermented foods such as chicory, artichoke, apples, kimchi and sauerkraut – again introduce them slowly.
  • Ensure good all-round intake of nutrients (ie vitamins and minerals) which are important for gut repair.

Finally, if going gluten-free, avoid eating highly processed ‘gluten free’ foods that lack essential nutrients and fibre. These may be okay in small amounts on an occasional basis but should not form the basis of breakfast, lunch and supper. Choose foods that are naturally gluten free – for example, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, beetroot, quinoa (rinse it thoroughly before cooking), buckwheat, brown rice and gluten-free oats (oats should be avoided in the first year after diagnosis).

With either of these conditions, a strict elimination is important – small amounts of contaminated food can trigger inflammation. So watch out for contamination from kitchen work surfaces, toasters, food jars (eg spreads may be contaminated if family members are putting knives that have been used on bread into the jar) etc.

Foods to avoid on a gluten free diet

Bread – wheat, rye, spelt, kamut Semolina
Wheat pasta Batter
Cous cous Rusk
Tabbouleh Wheat / rye / barley flour
Pearl barley Commercial gravies
Semolina Worcester sauce (gluten free available)
Beer / lager Soy sauce (Tamari soy is gluten free)
Breadcrumb coatings Baking powder (gluten free is available)

 In restaurants – check ingredients. Beware of soups, sauces and gravies (where flour might be used to thicken, even in tomato sauces). Chips may be coated with flour before frying to help crispiness. Avoid deep fried food as the oil will be contaminated with batter unless a separate fryer is used. Supermarket salads may have wheat in the ingredients list so it is important to take note of labels.

The Coeliac Society has a directory of foods that are certified ‘gluten-free’ and also operates a certification scheme for restaurants that meet certain criteria.

If you have any questions regarding the health topics that have been raised please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me (Clare) via phone; 01684 310099 or e-mail (

Clare Daley and the Cytoplan editorial team: Joseph Forsyth

Relevant Cytoplan Products

Gluten Free Secrets by Anette Harbech Olesen and Lone Bendtsen

CoQ10 Multi or Foundation Formula 1 (contains iron). All round multivitamins / minerals containing nutrients important for repair.

Vitamin A – important for immune function, cell growth and differentiation. May be useful to take for 2-4 months as part of a gut repair programme.

Acidophilus Plus – 9 strains of live native bacteria with activity throughout the whole GI tract. Most suited to people under the age of 40 and ideal for long term.

Fos-a-dophilus – Ideal for those over the age of 40, this live native bacteria supplement is high in Bifidobacteria which colonise the large intestine and are most often less easily replenished in those over the age of 40.

Cyto-biotic Active – This is a 9 strain product with activity throughout the whole GI tract. Ideal for all ages.

Aloe Vera Inner Leaf – The inner leaf fillet contains higher levels of salicylates, and a small amount of aloin.

Slippery Elm – A traditional remedy. Slippery Elm produces a thick mucilage that coats the intestinal membranes.

L-Glutamine – an amino acid used as fuel by the intestinal cells.

Phyte-Inflam – contains curcuminoids, gingerols and piperine.

Omega 3 fats in our High Potency Fish Oil, Krill Oil or Omega 3 Vegan– all contain good levels of EPA which support production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.

Last updated on 10th May 2017 by cytoffice


43 thoughts on “Coeliac disease – symptoms, risk factors & diagnosis

  1. My daughter is Coeliac. My husband has major problems with gluten but has not been diagnosed Coeliac. I wonder if you have any idea how to help him. He had his gall bladder removed 12 years ago (now aged 47). Now, every time he tries to cut out gluten, his tummy bloating improves no end but he gets other horrendous problems after 2 weeks. He gets terrible pain in his shoulders, headaches and terrible fatigue where he feels like he cannot function or go to work. It seems the only way to stop that is to re-introduce the gluten. Then his tummy bloats again and other symptoms. He takes Natures Own Multivit. Any ideas?

    1. Hi Rachel,

      Thanks for your question on our blog. Your husband’s symptoms when he removes gluten could be a ‘withdrawal’ reaction. Wheat proteins may have addictive properties in some people – they have been called ‘gluteomorphins’ due to endorphin-like effects on the brain. The symptoms should pass within a few weeks.

      You may be interested in the books ‘Wheat Belly’ by Dr William Davis and ‘Grain Brain’ by Dr David Perlmutter which explains these effects. In his book William Davis suggests that around 30% of people who stop eating wheat/gluten experience withdrawal reactions – extreme fatigue, mental fog, irritability, difficulty functioning at work and depression in the first few days or weeks. The symptoms disappear if it is reintroduced. This kind of reaction suggests that as well as having an effect a person’s gut, gluten may be having wider effects including on the brain.

      So I would suggest that your husband chooses a quiet time at work and tries again. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet – healthy fasts, plenty of vegetables, low in sugar and other stimulants, and drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

      We do offer a free health questionnaire service that he may be interested in. If he completes and returns a health questionnaire we will send some written diet and supplement recommendations.

      All the best,

    1. Hi Gill – it would be best for you to contact our office directly (01684 310099) or complete one of our free health questionnaires (click here), so we can understand more details about both problems and can advise safely and effectively to help your daughter. I hope this helps.


    1. Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately once you have bene diagnosed with coeliac disease you have it for life, however it can be managed by the avoidance of gluten, which prevents the ongoing damage to the gut lining.

  2. I have sticky blackish incomplete stools and lots of gas. I am 77 years and have type 2 diabetes. I don’t have any diabetic related problems. My RBS is 200.
    Can you please suggest remedies?

    1. Hi Sundaram – Sticky stools can be a sign of poor fat digestion therefore something like lecithin (Phospholec) which aids the emulsification of fats, also products which support gall bladder and liver function can support this (Cytoprotect Liver). As you also have type 2 diabetes it may be useful to complete a health questionnaire for more individualised advice:

  3. I diagnose as celia in march 2019.after long time and very late. Now i am on gluten free diet. And feel better. But now ieat macronies and wheet roti. And problems start i leave wheet again.but after mkai meals and milk i had abdomen pain and motion in the morning.abdomen cramps. My heamogloben is 9.0.and i have also hepatitis B. But Hbe Ab +ve. HbeAg -ve. Fibrosan Lcm 3.1.iqr 0.7.iqr med 23%. F 1 fibrosis. Doctors told me no need of hepatitis treatmnt . Please guide what should i do. Thanks

    1. Hi Nazia – it would be best for you to contact our office directly (01684 310099) or complete one of our free health questionnaires (click here), so we can understand more details about your current health conditions in order to advise safely. I hope this helps.

  4. My three nephew have problem of celiac disease what you suggest them for their healthy life .They have problem of weight loss and height is there any treatment available

    1. Hi Muhammad – Unfortunately there is no treatment for Coeliac Disease, however symptoms can be managed by the complete avoidance of gluten, which prevents the ongoing damage to the gut lining. It is important they include ample fruit and vegetables in their diet to ensure adequate fibre intake as well as vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants. Non-gluten wholegrains such as brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat and gluten free oats should be considered instead of “free-from” products which are often highly refined. Thanks, Ruth

  5. My son is 19 yrs , from last three weeks he had a abdominal pain. We visited to Gastrointestinalo gist ,he recommended blood test including lipase, sonography, all reports are normal.Then he done endoscopy and CT abdomen pelvis(contrast),these tests are also normal. As per Dr. all report are normal but still my son is suffering from abdominal pain.what should be the cause.

    1. Hello – Possible food intolerances gluten/wheat and possible dairy – these need to be ruled out and eliminated where necessary to optimise the healing process.
      I would trail an elimination diet here and introduce in stages. It would appear that something is aggravating the gut lining causing low grade inflammation and permeability. Digestive enzyme support may be necessary once any other possible causes have be ruled out by the practitioner. This can help aid food digestion and assimilation. Nutrients to support gut healing such as probiotics and specific nutrients such as zinc, vitamin A and D would be beneficial once all other possible causes have been ruled out. I would refer back for further investigation before going ahead with above suggestion.

  6. Hi,

    I am 44 years old. I am forever bloated even after bowl movement. I am constipated for most part and busy picking up weight. I’ve suffering from this for years but picking up weight with no change in my diet is very scary and add to being uncomfortable


    1. Hi Liezel,

      Thank you for your comment. To help us offer support safely and effectively, please complete our FREE health questionnaire (here).


  7. Hi cytoffice I am the patient of celiac disease. I was six years old when it was identified. Now I am 25 years old but the prob is that my belly is increasing day by day I am much worry about this plz give me a solution what is the reason behind this.

    1. Hi Somi – I am sorry to hear of your problem. It is, unfortunately, not possible to identify what is going on remotely, but your Dr could examine you and explain what is causing the problem. It is quite likely that you have poor digestion and there might be a degree of fermentation which can cause bloating and discomfort and if this is the reason for the “swollen belly” we can help with this. My advice hence is first to make an appointment with your Dr for a diagnosis, and then to complete a health questionnaire which is available on our website under the tab Nutrition Advice, and once you have completed that we can help tailor a programme to help you.

  8. Hello. I have a 18 month old son who have had diarrhoea non stop for over four weeks now. He also have some rash on his ankle and thighs. Does this have anything to do with celiac?

    1. Thank you for your question. Diarrhoea in a very young child can be quickly depleting so it is really important you take your son to your Dr as soon as possible for a diagnosis and understanding of the problem. Coeliac is a possibility but equally there are many other possible reasons for the continued diarrhoea. You could use our Baby Biotic which I feel would be helpful but equally I think the best advice is to visit your Dr and see what he/she recommends in the first instance.

  9. Hi,
    I have did the 23andme test and it show that I have a variant of HLA-DQA1 gene. I have been going to specialist but until now only harden tissue on my neck, little thyroid nodules, high blood pressures, cardiac arrhythmia and after a heart catherization I got 1 stent but the most common issues are:
    stomach pain and cramping
    lots of gas and bloating
    feeling tired all the time, ongoing fatigue
    cardiac arrhythmia
    acid reflux
    hard stools.

    1. Thank you for your question and I am sorry you are suffering so much. Because there are a number of different issues prevailing it is important for us to understand the full picture. Please an you complete a health questionnaire which is available on our website under the tab Nutrition Advice, and once we have more details we should be able to offer safe and effective help.

  10. My husband is also patient of cealic from 2 years but his intestines totally black he is so depressed he is 40 years just tell us how many years he is alive.

        1. Hi Julieth – Iron deficient anaemia can often occur alongside Coeliac’s disease, particularly when newly diagnosed, as a result of the villous atrophy of the mucosa at the site of iron absorption as well as the accompanying inflammation. In most cases, the healing of the digestive mucosa through a careful gluten-free diet will improve iron absorption.

  11. Hi, I have diagnosed celieac diesease since 2021 and i have turned o gluten free diet
    I eat maize flour,rice and all other things which are gluten free but i do not feel any big change.
    I still have stomach pain ,bloating and diarrhea.
    And also i do not feel fresh and energetic i always feel tired and dowsy.
    Could you suggest me something what i have to do??

    1. Hello – the damage to the lining of your small intestine caused by gluten can take time to heal which may explain why you don’t feel instantly better but there are certainly things that can help to support this healing. Our Cytoprotect GI Tract contains a blend of key nutrients to support the integrity and stability of the membrane of your GI tract. I would recommend that you took it for a course of 1-2 months, after which you could take one of our probiotic formulas. You might also like to consider our Marine Collagen which provides type 1 collagen peptides, which can support the integrity of the lining of your digestive tract. If you would like to chat through any of these products, please do contact our nutritional therapists at

  12. Hi. I’m 26 years old and my weight decreased to 36 KG. I have gas problem and sometimes constipation. I also have anxiety and palpitations. My diet is normal. I eat 3-4 times a day. Still my weight is decreasing. What should I do?

    1. I would certainly recommend you visited your GP with your concerns as they will be able to perform some tests to see what might be causing your symptoms. After you have visited your GP you are very welcome to get back in touch with our team of Nutritional Therapists at where we will be able to discuss this further and offer some advice.

  13. Last year August, I started experiencing bowel movement, reoccurring diarehea, abdominal pain, bloating, blurping, high blood pressure, tiredness, fatigue, etc. I have under go series of test advised by Gastro, colonoscopy, full blood counts, fecal calprotein, lost of weight, etc. pathological test from samples obtained from the ascending colon and descending colon came out negative for malignancy which was a good news. Yet the symptoms don’t want go away.

    1. Hi there – I believe you have already been in touch with our team of Nutritional Therapists who are helping you with your query.

  14. Hello i am celiac since 6 years . I was not following glutton free diet but i only suffered vomitings. But now since a month or so i am having extreme burning in my chest and abdomen (stomach) i have been using zyocid suspension for gastric burn but it is not helping me out. Now i am following glutton free diet but still no effect on my gestric burn. What should i eat or do for this burning. I also had mouth ulcers back in this week. Is it related to my gastric burn or celiac disease?

    1. Hi Zakia – it would be great if we could get a little more information so we can safely make some tailored recommendations. Please do complete our health questionnaire online and we will come back to you shortly.

  15. Am 51years old i just discovered i had coeliac /DH disease after reading from the net about the skin rash i have had for over or close to 2 decades i tried the depsone oral medication which was recommended and ofcourse try to avoid gluten am happy to tell you the rash has cleared after 1month of depsone oral medication

  16. Sir i had iron deficiency anemia in my blood test i had heartburn / foul smelling stools i have problems with sleeping i had diarrhea which consists of pure bile /water after eating wheat could I be a celiac my doctor says i have ibs but when I left wheat and go gluten free heartburn improved and diarrhea stopped but still my appetite is low also after eating gluten product my stomach feel like it is shrinking and swollen from inside please help sir I am feeling very depressed

    1. I think it would be a good idea if we can discuss this with you in a bit more detail in order to offer some assistance. Please drop an email over to our team of nutritional therapists who will be able to come back to you –

  17. My wife age 47 weight 91 kg. some tests have been done on her doctor’s advice a few days ago. TTG result 70.34 Positive, Fecal Calprotectin result 8.09 , Uric Acid result 347.9 , Anti-H. Pylori IgG result 4.47 , Alkaline Phosphatase result 86.52, TSH result 2.2349, Haemoglobin result 11.6, IgE result 80.9, Ferritin result 12.94, ALT (SGPT) 11.04, AST (SGOT) 16.12 , CRP (Quantitative) 0.67, eGFR (MDRD) 127.35 , T.Chol/HDL ratio 3.86, LDL/HDL ratio 2.21, Eating any food made of flour or wheat would lead to bowel movements after some time besides, after eating any food made of milk, she has bowel movements after some time. My question is, does my wife suffer from celiac disease? or what tests are required to clear this issue? she has been trying to eat a gluten-free diet for the past month and is feeling a little better now. Now what should I do for my wife? pls. adv.

    1. Hi Syed – I would certainly recommend that she discusses her results with her doctor in the first instance. Coeliac disease is normally diagnosed via a blood test and/or a biopsy but this is certainly not something we would be able to diagnose. If, after speaking to her GP, she needs further advice, I would recommend she completed our online health questionnaire: Tailored Health Questionnaire | Cytoplan

  18. i am 90 years old and although i eat a fairly balanced diet including fruit and vegetables i suffer from bloating and massive diarrhoea i have lost weight over 3years from 12 stone to 8 stone . i am fairly active play table tennis do all the family shopping and a lot of cooking and cleaning .i do not take any other medication apart from loperamide to help control diarrhoea as and when,can you advise please

    1. Hi Cyril, thank you for your query. I think we would need a little more information in order to be able to safely advise. Could you please get in touch with our team of nutritional therapists on and we will come back to you shortly.

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