All posts by cytoffice

Headshot of pretty young woman against a blue sky. Clearing her brain fog.

Brain fog: causes and helpful interventions

Brain fog is a common issue in clinic with many clients reporting poor memory and concentration, fatigue and an inability to focus. Although it may seem trivial to some it can have debilitating effect on work, family and social life and it is also an indication of impaired cognition.

Brain fog may be an early warning that cognitive function is under stress, and it is associated with conditions including depression anxiety and dementia. Therefore, it is important to identify the drivers, understand the physiological processes involved, and implement interventions to support mental clarity and optimal cognition.

In this blog we look at factors which contribute to brain fog as well as associated conditions, highlighting the most appropriate interventions for individuals.

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Three smiling mature women walking on a beach representing healthy cognitive function.

Trophic support for cognitive impairment

The brain is very metabolically active and malleable with a great ability to change and respond to different conditions and stimuli. Therefore it requires factors that support both energy availability and also growth.

This includes presence and delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, highlighting the importance of nutrient intake and optimal function of the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Availability of energy to cells is also reliant on the normal function of hormones, in particular insulin but is also affected by oestrogen and thyroid hormones. All of these are considered trophic (growth) hormones and therefore support anabolic (tissue building) processes.

This blog looks at tropic factors that contribute to cognitive function and therefore interventions that can support cognitive health.

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Looking after their joint health through exercise and nutrition: loving senior couple in sports clothing

Joint health: perfect partner nutrients

Nutritional therapists are often asked “What supplement can help my joints?” This is a more difficult question than it sounds as often there are multiple factors that affect joint function and often no one-size fits all solution. The most effective approach is to utilise perfect partners of supplements for joint health which support the structure of the joint, reduce inflammation to aid pain management and mobility, support lubrication (or synovial fluid) and maintain healthy tissue turnover.

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Vitamin B12 benefits blog image of a beautiful young Asian woman with eyes closed open arms and taking deep breath outdoors in nature, against blue sky on a sunny day. Enjoying sunshine and freedom in nature

Vitamin B12 benefits – why it’s important and when to supplement

Vitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin, often highlighted for its role in energy production, red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis and prevention of pernicious anaemia. Vitamin B12 has many benefits as it has an important role in so many metabolic reactions.

B12 deficiency was uncovered in the mid-18th century. A diagnosis once deemed fatal, it was soon discovered that a diet rich in liver could largely ameliorate the condition. Nowadays, B12 related fatalities are rare, however a ‘sub-clinical’ category of B12 deficiency is on the rise.

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Mature woman in running clothes. Healthy for the over 50s: inflammation and oxidative stress.

Health for the over 50s: inflammation and oxidative stress

Ageing is a natural part of life and cannot be avoided. However, the chronic and systemic inflammation that is generated by poor diet and lifestyle choices can accelerate the ageing process and increase the risk of many age-related  conditions.

In this week’s blog, we look more closely at two of the fundamental processes that can drive ageing: inflammation and oxidative stress and explore the beneficial impact that omega 3 fatty acids and specific antioxidants can have on these processes and how they can help to delay biological ageing.

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Happy casual couple moving well going for a bike ride on the pier

The magic of movement

Our guest writer and mindfulness, yoga and stress management consultant, Bev Alderson, talks about the importance of continuing to move our bodies as we get older.

Maintaining an active lifestyle throughout our lives can support health and wellbeing and quality of life.

However, starting or maintaining an exercise routine can be a challenge at any age and, let’s face it, one that doesn’t get any easier as we get older.

We may find ourselves too busy, too tired, or disheartened by the aches and pains that can accompany an ageing body, or simply find putting our feet up so much more appealing.

Yet, when it comes to movement, there is much truth in the phrase ‘use it or lose it’.

My desire in writing this blog is to get you or to keep you moving – knowing the benefits it can bring.  To share with you the what, the why, and the how, along with the motivation to start and keep going.

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