Three white women over 50 laughing together in a field at a festival with fairy lights in the background.

Supporting optimal energy and vitality over 50

As we age, it’s common for our energy levels to start decreasing, which can lead to feelings of fatigue and a lack of motivation. Maintaining fitness, a healthy muscle mass, and sharp focus are hallmarks of both healthy ageing and effective energy production. That’s why supporting our body’s energy production as we grow older is so crucial.

In this blog, we’ll explore the various factors that contribute to the decline in energy levels. We’ll focus on nutrition and lifestyle choices that can help counteract this decline, promoting optimal energy, health, and vitality for those over 50.

Mitochondrial function

The mitochondria are the energy powerhouses of the cell and therefore their health and function are directly associated with the body’s ability to produce energy. Over time our mitochondria become less efficient and hence may need additional support.1,2

Oxidative stress3,4

During energy production mitochondria produce reactive oxygen species, creating oxidative stress and hence damage. Innate antioxidant systems and nutrients within the body are involved in counteracting this oxidative damage, these include glutathione, superoxide dismutase, alpha lipoic acid and CoQ10. As we age levels of our protective antioxidants decrease, and the system can become overwhelmed leading to further damage, mitochondrial dysfunction and poor energy production.

Maintaining adequate intake of antioxidants can be an effective way of helping the body to cope with the aging process and support energy production.

Mitochondrial homeostasis 5,6

Mitochondrial homeostasis describes the fine co‐ordination between two opposing processes: generation of new mitochondria, by mitochondrial biogenesis, and the removal of damaged mitochondria, by mitophagy. As we get older these processes become imbalanced, as both processes are less effective. This means that defective, poorly functioning mitochondria endure and in doing so create more oxidative stress and produce less energy, at the same time fewer new mitochondria are produced. This leads to a vicious cycle of energy production decline and increased oxidative stress and damage. Supporting mitochondrial homeostasis is essential for preserving and supporting energy.

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Mitochondrial supporting nutrients

Energy production within the cell is reliant on many nutrients including B vitamins, CoQ10, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, copper, and magnesium. Therefore, ensuing optimal intake of all nutrients by bridging the nutrition gap with a good quality multivitamin and mineral is essential.7,8

CoQ10 is an essential endogenously synthesised molecule, which sits in the electron transport chain within mitochondrial membranes and is crucial for energy production.  CoQ10 levels decline in some tissues in humans during aging and CoQ10 supplementation has shown benefits as an anti-aging agent, especially under certain conditions associated with increased oxidative stress. Maintaining adequate CoQ10 into older age is associated with an increased lifespan or prevention of a shortened lifespan.9

Mitochondrial biogenesis induction is associated with activation of transcription factors and enzymes that act on mitochondrial genes and with the up regulation of local translation of mitochondrial proteins to stimulate the production of new mitochondria. These are stimulated by natural phytonutrients such as ginger, tangeritin, resveratrol, green tea, and spirulina.10

Many of the above nutrients can be supplemented but they can also be obtained in the diet. Eating a rainbow diet, providing a rich diversity of plant-based phytonutrients (especially polyphenols) can help obtain some of the above. Tangeritin can be found in citrus fruits, particularly sweet oranges, resveratrol in red grapes and berries as well as red wine, and sulforaphane in dark leafy greens and brassica vegetables. Cooking with potent spices such as turmeric and ginger, as well as garlic can provide many benefits to mitochondrial biogenesis.

Mitochondrial supporting lifestyle factors10

Lifestyle factors have also been shown to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and putting the body in a slight, reversible state of stress is beneficial for maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis. These lifestyle factors include:

  • Caloric restriction
  • Cold exposure
  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Fasting

Inflammation and its effect on energy

Inflammation not only contributes to oxidative stress and therefore mitochondrial dysfunction, but there is a suggestion that it independently affects energy availability. Activation of inflammatory pathways has been suggested to underlie persistent fatigue in many patient populations. Indeed, it is well-known from experimental studies that acute severe inflammation, such as that induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), causes acute sickness behaviour, including fatigue. This response has been interpreted as an adaptive process leading to the conservation of energy and reduction of the risk of further dissemination of pathogens.11,12

Aging of the innate immune system is associated with the development of a chronic low-grade inflammatory response which can occur without the presence of pathogen stimulation, this has been described as “inflammaging”. Elderly people often experience chronic inflammation and possess elevated levels of the transcription factor NF-KB and pro-inflammatory cytokines, associated with chronic disease and mortality. Theories suggest that inflammaging is facilitated by long-lasting pathogen encounters, cell debris and stress, and the reduced efficiency of the adaptive immune response, although mechanisms are still not fully understood.13

Molecules shown to downregulate inflammation via the NF-kB pathway include alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, NAC, silymarin, Boswellia, resveratrol, green tea, gingko biloba and curcumin. Omega-3 fatty acids are supportive for the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.14

How hormonal changes can affect energy levels over 50, in both men and women


Perhaps not directly associated with energy but oestrogen receptors are found in nearly every tissue in the body and influence the function of all organ systems in a woman. Oestrogen is an anabolic hormone and hence plays a role in cognitive function, muscle building and bone density, all of which can affect activity levels. During menopause women tend to become more insulin resistant and hence are less effective at utilising glucose for energy production which can lead to feelings of fatigue.15

Phytoestrogens are plant-based molecules with a similar structure to endogenous oestrogen. These have the ability to bind to oestrogen receptors and elicit a weak oestrogenic response, which can be beneficial for modulating symptoms of reduced oestrogen associated with menopause.16


Testosterone is involved in supporting healthy muscle mass, but levels do decline with age, although less significantly than oestrogen. Maintaining muscle mass is essential for many aspects of aging but is pertinent for energy production. A predominant proportion of aging older men have reduced levels of serum testosterone, due to a reduction in Leydig cells and an increase in testosterone binding to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). Low testosterone levels are associated with unfavourable body composition changes. Testosterone deficiency, along with lack of exercise and poor nutrition, may be among the modifiable contributors to sarcopenia. Testosterone treatment has been reported to have beneficial effects on muscle mass and function.17,18

Fenugreek has been shown to increase total testosterone through an aromatase and 5α reductase inhibition, thereby blocking testosterone conversion to oestrogen and dihydrotestosterone, respectively. 19

Thyroid hormone

The thyroid is the governor of metabolic rate and therefore plays a significant role in energy production, and hypothyroidism is strongly associated with symptoms of low energy including fatigue.

The endocrine organs, including the thyroid gland, experience significant functional alterations as a consequence of aging. Research indicates that the incidence of thyroid disorders escalates with advancing age. Notably, subclinical thyroid function disturbances are observed more frequently than overt thyroid diseases in the elderly population. Additionally, the clinical presentation of thyroid disorders in older adults diverges from that seen in younger populations; symptoms tend to be less pronounced and are often misattributed to the normal aging process. This necessitates heightened awareness and careful evaluation of thyroid function in elderly individuals. 20

It is important to investigate thyroid function (seek medical advice) if dysfunction is suspected, especially if it is concurrent with cognitive problems. Thyroid hormones require tyrosine, iodine, zinc and selenium for their production and these nutrients can be useful in some cases.14

Cortisol and energy regulation

Cortisol is our stress hormone and is particularly important when it comes to energy regulation. Responsible for our circadian rhythm, cortisol is involved in feelings of wakefulness. However, prolonged stress can be associated with both chronically elevated cortisol leading to a subsequent insufficiency of cortisol and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) dysfunction. This is associated with symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, poor sleep and low mood.14,21

Levels of cortisol have been shown to rise with age and are higher in older females than males.22 This coupled with fluctuations and declines in oestrogen in women is thought to increase symptoms of aging, particularly cognitive decline and can have an effect on other cognitive symptoms. Symptoms mentioned such as poor sleep and low mood can exacerbate feelings of fatigue and interrupt recovery and rejuvenation, further exacerbating fatigue.

Supporting a healthy stress response is essential, particularly during menopause as the adrenal glands take over oestrogen production from the ovaries. It is also important for blunting the HPA axis to reduce cortisol levels. Practising relaxation techniques such as mindfulness, meditation and yoga is useful. Adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha23 and nutrients including B vitamins (B5 and B6), vitamin C and magnesium are also supportive.14

Digestive function and energy 

The digestive system is fundamentally essential for the absorption and hence utilisation of nutrients in the body. Hence insufficient digestive function has a significant effect on energy levels.

Gastric function

As we get older, we can often see reduced gastric acid output as well as a reduced production of the digestive enzyme pepsin (secreted in the stomach and responsible for the digestion of protein).24

The consequences of reduced gastric function may be;

  • A reduced ability to absorb nutrients, particularly minerals that require stomach acid in order for them to be cleaved from their carrier molecule. It has been established that B12, iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc absorption in particular, are affected by low hydrochloric acid in the stomach.25
  • Reduced protein digestion (due to low hydrochloric acid and pepsin secretion), means there is a potential for inadequate levels of protein to be absorbed. However, it may also mean that larger protein molecules are present in the small intestine, this can be a trigger for inflammation and leaky gut and is associated with food intolerances, atopic conditions and autoimmune diseases.14

Supporting gastric output can be really useful for helping to maintain nutrient status particularly of minerals and B12, as well as aiding full protein digestion. This is important for aiding digestion within the small intestine, which helps protect against inflammation and leaky gut.


The composition of our microbiota very much depends on our health and lifestyle when we were younger, but it does tend to change after the age of 40. It has been shown that a healthy balance of the microbiota is essential for maintaining health as we age and protecting against chronic disease. The health of the microbiome supports nutritional status and also has an impact on glucose metabolism, appetite regulation and inflammation, changes to which can affect our ability to obtain and utilise energy.

“Manipulation of the microbiota and microbiome of older adults holds promise as an innovative strategy to influence the development of comorbidities associated with aging.”26

The microbiome also plays an essential role in energy availability from food. Mechanisms involve energy harvest through the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) by fermentation of dietary fibre and the influence of gut microbes in the inflammatory response. Inflammation driven by lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and other microbial molecules has been associated with greater adiposity and insulin resistance. Furthermore, bile acids derivatives are produced by the gut microbiota function as signalling molecules, which may increase or decrease energy expenditure by regulating inflammation and hepatic lipid metabolism. Hence supporting the balance of the microbiome is essential.27

Strategies to support stomach function and microbiome balance include:

  • Lemon in hot water first thing in the morning can stimulate stomach acid production
  • A Betaine HCl and digestive enzyme supplement (containing full spectrum of digestive enzymes, particularly proteases)
  • Consuming prebiotic and fermented foods to support the gut microbiome: e.g. miso, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, olives, apples, and chicory
  • A multi strain live bacteria supplement

In general, it is supportive to consume a wholefood diet rich in fibre and a variety of colours, a minimum of 6 portions of vegetables and 1-2 of fruit, to provide prebiotics for the gut flora, as well as a variety of antioxidant phytonutrients. Additionally, a good quality multi vitamin and mineral helps to provide nutrients which are utilised by the mitochondria (therefore it should contain CoQ10). An omega-3 fatty acid to support hormone signalling, normal immune response and mitochondrial membrane health should be included daily. A multi strain probiotic can give further support for the microbiome. Further energy support should be considered on an individual basis depending on the driver.

Key takeaways

  • As we age our ability to produce and assimilate energy declines, which can be associated with a number of factors.
  • Mitochondrial function declines and hence energy production is less efficient. This is strongly affected by oxidative stress and hence ameliorating oxidation with antioxidants can be helpful in supporting energy. Nutrients utilised by the mitochondria include B vitamins, CoQ10 and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Inflammation can drive low energy. Chronic low-grade inflammation increases with age and therefore should be attenuated to help support wellness and longevity. Curcumin and omega-3 fatty acids are useful nutrient for supporting healthy inflammatory pathways.
  • Stomach function and the balance of the microbiome alter with age reducing the body’s ability to obtain energy form food. Betaine HCl, digestive enzyme as a multi strain probiotic can be useful ways to support energy production.
  • Energy levels are heavily affected by hormones, which again are more likely to be dysfunctional as we age. Consider the health of the thyroid and adrenals as well as hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone.


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Last updated on 12th February 2025 by cytoffice


2 thoughts on “Supporting optimal energy and vitality over 50

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