Omega 3 is an ‘Essential Fatty Acid’ and the topic of Omega 3 seems never far from the public eye as it is regularly reported on in the mainstream media. The phrase Omega 3 has also made its way more frequently onto food packaging of late – a good example being ‘Omega 3 Fish Fingers’. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2013
‘Researchers discover CoQ10 beats heart disease, claim it as a drug’ ran the headline of the story I read the other day. I was keen to read more about such a vital topic, especially as the story seemed to largely have slipped under the radar as it related to an announcement of research in May. Continue reading
Did you catch the item on the news the other day about the full moon and disrupted sleep? I heard it on BBC 4 and found it intriguing. Researchers at Basel University in Switzerland were carrying out some sleep studies and by chance discovered that more disrupted sleep patterns in volunteers coincided with periods of full moon. Continue reading
Last updated on 3rd July 2015 by cytoffice
Good news finally for folate in food supplement form – folate (also termed folic acid) has been issued with a ‘favourable opinion’ by EFSA (The European Food Safety Authority). Specifically EFSA has issued a favourable opinion on the use of supplemental folate to reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTD) such as spina bifida and anencephaly in newborn children. Continue reading
Last updated on 18th November 2020 by cytoffice