Monthly Archives: May 2014


Emerging Research on Vitamin D, Omega 3 and Epigenetic Factors in Cancer Risks

A number of recently published research projects provide some important health updates. New research from Spain sheds further light on the long-suspected involvement of epigenetics in cancer. Three separate studies in relation to vitamin D indicate deficiency is linked to aggressive prostate cancer; vitamin D may raise survival rates among cancer patients and vitamin D may offer potential relief for those with chronic hives. Plus further evidence of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, specifically in relation to lowering blood pressure. And finally two studies on Omega 3 consumption indicate cognitive and depression combating benefits. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 9th January 2025 by cytoffice

The ‘Health of the Nation’ 2014

The ‘Health of the Nation’ 2014

The question perhaps to ask is “are we getting enough vitamins?” as the ‘Health of the Nation’ 2014 survey results are out. The survey is commissioned each year by the HFMA (Health Food Manufacturers’ Association), and more than 10,000 adults were asked a range of questions on nutrition, diet and health matters. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 15th December 2014 by

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D

There is no question that suitable vitamin D levels are important to the health of us all, and at all stages of our life; and this includes from in the womb. There is also no question that many groups of the UK population have low vitamin D status. The UK Government currently have a range of recommendations in respect of ensuring certain population groups get enough vitamin D. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 5th March 2020 by cytoffice

Fertility & Conception

Fertility & Conception

This article provides both mums and dads ‘to be’ with a good breadth of information on a range of health aspects that impact on fertility and conception. This includes preconception planning notes for both men and women, and healthy planning suggestions ahead of both pregnancy & breastfeeding. With guidance on the most relevant nutrients and supplements including information for vegetarians, vegans and those on special diets. And sensible diet and nutrition suggestions for women whilst pregnant and breastfeeding. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 15th December 2014 by

Balancing Blood Glucose

Balancing blood glucose

A healthy diet, a sensible and regular exercise regime, actively understanding and managing the stresses in one’s life. These are all important steps we can all take along life’s journey to help support good blood glucose (or sugar) levels, and thus reduce the risks of more serious ailments related to ongoing blood glucose imbalances. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 1st November 2017 by cytoffice