Monthly Archives: October 2014

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D – A Timely Reminder on its Importance

The clocks are changing and with not only daylight hours but sunshine in the UK in scant supply now is a timely and essential reminder of the importance of maintaining good levels of vitamin D in the body.

This crucial health matter has been further highlighted by official figures that note “New figures show the number of children in hospital suffering from Vitamin D deficiency have tripled in four years, as experts say parents should ensure young children take a supplement daily.” Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 7th February 2025 by cytoffice

Support for Disturbed or Disrupted Sleep

Support for disturbed or disrupted sleep

Dr Alyssa Burns-Hill is a leading holistic hormone health specialist who previously provided us with an article on thyroid health. More recently she has published a book ‘Weight Loss Winners & Dieting Downfalls. In today’s blog Alyssa has kindly provided an excerpt from a chapter in this book titled ‘dieting downfall – your sleep’. This information will be of interest to anyone who suffers from disturbed or disrupted sleep, and particularly those planning or undergoing a weight loss diet. As Dr Burns-Hill notes “you can make a significant difference to your ability to sleep by using some simple guidelines”. Alyssa starts today’s article by asking us all a few questions about our typical sleep patterns. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 5th March 2020 by cytoffice

Why Is Water Important?

In a recent blog Naturopath and author Lesley Una Pierce gave us an informative and entertaining introduction on the topic of water and hydration for human health. This article was popularly received and in today’s blog Lesley provides an excerpt from her new book ‘The Life-Saver’s Guide to Water – The Elixir of Life’ that may help many of us think more consciously about this essential health matter.

We all know that water and hydration are essential for human life. But how much do we really know about these topics, and applying some form of ‘best practice’ to maximise our healthy hydration levels? Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 6th November 2014 by

The Importance of Detoxification for Preconception Planning

This article will provide mums and dads to-be with an increased understanding of the benefits of detoxification before conception. We also cover a range of pertinent diet and nutritional issues relating to preconception and pregnancy, This information can therefore be used as part of preconception planning to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy, for both mother and child. It should also be stressed that preconception planning is equally important for men – in order to increase the chances of a successful conception and healthy birth. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 7th November 2014 by