Monthly Archives: June 2015

Is it a Summer Cold or Hay Fever?

“The number of hay fever sufferers is expected to reach 20 million this summer – up five million from last year. And by 2030, that figure is predicted to reach 31.8 million”, reported the Daily Telegraph only last week alongside commenting that the pollen count is – surprise, surprise – currently soaring.

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Last updated on 21st January 2025 by cytoffice

juices and smoothies

Juices and smoothies for a healthy life

It is a frightening statistic that in the UK on average we are consuming around 2.7 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, which is  in stark contrast to the UK Government ‘5 A day’ message that we are all aware of. Each portion of fruit and vegetables eaten a day gives 20% of our daily needs of antioxidant and protective nutrients so it is essential that we optimise this intake for our own individual well-being. Juices and ‘Smoothies’ provide one alternative method to help optimise ones nutritional intake on a daily basis.

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Last updated on 20th July 2023 by cytoffice

Hair Dye, natural or synthetic?

What is Hair Dye and why does it matter what it is ?

Do you use a hair dye? If yes – do you feel comfortable with the ingredients of that dye? The label may indicate a ‘natural’ or ‘synthetic’ dye but do you really know what the ingredients are telling you about the product you use?

It is a topic that is relevant to a huge number of women (and indeed men too). Some of you may think that today’s blog is rather unusual when compared to our ‘staple’ output focussing on nutritional health. However as so many of us do use a hair dye it is indeed a very big topic, and with lots of health implications. And being and feeling good is also about feeling good with the way that we look – yet when it comes to using cosmetics, toiletries and products such as hair dyes I think we all generally want to be well informed about what it is we are literally putting into our body – even if the application is topical. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 21st January 2025 by cytoffice