Monthly Archives: January 2021

low back pain

Psychosocial symptoms, chronic low back pain and inflammation | By Kieran MacPhail

Since the turn of the century there has been an increased awareness of psychosocial symptoms in chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients. It’s well established that CLBP patients with psychosocial, psychological and social, risk factors have poorer outcomes and increased management costs (Grimmer-Somers 2006, Nicholas et al. 2011).

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Last updated on 29th January 2021 by cytoffice

Time restricted

Time-restricted eating – what is the ideal eating window? | By Jeannette Hyde  

Will you lose weight and be healthier if you eat in a 12, 10 or 8- hour window of time each day? That is the question that has gripped the health world over since time-restricted eating (TRE) mice studies sparked excitement in this area (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The good news is there is now research on humans to go on.

This blog is written by guest writer and nutritional therapist, Jeannette Hyde. After experiencing burnout as a journalist on a national newspaper, Jeannette now works with individuals and groups online offering bespoke protocols and support plans.

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Last updated on 29th January 2021 by cytoffice

Bridging the gap

Bridging the nutrition gap with a multivitamin and mineral

Investigations carried out by Dr Paul Clayton identified the difference between the nutrients that the average population obtains from food and the levels required for optimum health. We refer to this difference as “the nutrition gap.” The nutrition gap can have a detrimental effect on health and susceptibility to disease and can increase the risk of many conditions as well as accelerating chronic disease and ageing.1

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Last updated on 30th January 2024 by cytoffice

taking a breath

Let the breath be your guide

The art of breathing is both innately simple and infinitely complex. Breathing is a critical function that both sparks and ends life. Yet there is so much more to the breath.  Tune into the breath of someone having a carefree day and the breath is likely to be flowing freely. Tune into the breath of someone having a day of it, or in the grips of an intense emotion such as anger, and the breath is likely to be uneasy.

This blog is written by Bev Alderson from Practically Balanced, where she works with individuals, groups and workplaces wanting to take a more positive and proactive approach to enhancing wellbeing, and in turn achieving greater results.

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Last updated on 22nd January 2021 by cytoffice

Immune support advice from our Nutritional Therapists

There is a vast amount of evidence available for interventions which support immunity, protect against viral infection, and may possess antiviral activity. In addition, new research has emerged and continues to emerge with regards to interventions that have potential to be beneficial against COVID-19.

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Last updated on 28th September 2022 by cytoffice

What are Food State and Wholefood Nutrients?

Since conception in 1990, Cytoplan’s philosophy has been that nutrients are best delivered to the body “in the same form as food” hence our range of Food State™ and Wholefood supplements. But we are often asked “what are Food State™ and Wholefood supplements, and what does this mean?”. So in this week’s blog we are going to explain what these terms mean and outline some of the research that has been done on Food State™ and Wholefood products.

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Last updated on 10th November 2022 by cytoffice