Monthly Archives: June 2023

Attractive man, sit having a rest from hiking. White willow bark can help with delayed onset muscle soreness.

White willow bark – uses and therapeutic benefits

White willow bark is harvested from the dried bark of young branches or twigs of the  trees, usually in early spring or autumn. It belongs to the willow family1. Historical records show that white willow bark has been used for thousands of years in ancient China, Egypt, Greece and South Asia, to relieve headaches, reduce fever, lessen muscle ache and pain and to support various other illnesses.2 Indeed, anecdotal accounts of willow bark extract being used as a medicine have occurred since written records began, in the time of Hippocrates (400BC) when physicians advised their patients to chew the bark to reduce fever and inflammation.3

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Last updated on 3rd January 2024 by cytoffice

Headshot of pretty young woman against a blue sky. Clearing her brain fog.

Brain fog: causes and helpful interventions

Brain fog is a common issue in clinic with many clients reporting poor memory and concentration, fatigue and an inability to focus. Although it may seem trivial to some it can have debilitating effect on work, family and social life and it is also an indication of impaired cognition.

Brain fog may be an early warning that cognitive function is under stress, and it is associated with conditions including depression anxiety and dementia. Therefore, it is important to identify the drivers, understand the physiological processes involved, and implement interventions to support mental clarity and optimal cognition.

In this blog we look at factors which contribute to brain fog as well as associated conditions, highlighting the most appropriate interventions for individuals.

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Last updated on 3rd January 2024 by cytoffice

Three smiling mature women walking on a beach representing healthy cognitive function.

Trophic support for cognitive impairment

The brain is very metabolically active and malleable with a great ability to change and respond to different conditions and stimuli. Therefore it requires factors that support both energy availability and also growth.

This includes presence and delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, highlighting the importance of nutrient intake and optimal function of the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Availability of energy to cells is also reliant on the normal function of hormones, in particular insulin but is also affected by oestrogen and thyroid hormones. All of these are considered trophic (growth) hormones and therefore support anabolic (tissue building) processes.

This blog looks at tropic factors that contribute to cognitive function and therefore interventions that can support cognitive health.

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Last updated on 3rd January 2024 by cytoffice