Monthly Archives: January 2013

Paleo Recipes

Paleo Recipes

Here are a series of links to websites with suitable Paleo Diet recipes. We are keen to find as many relevant recipes that we can share. Ideally ones that combine easy to buy ingredients with simple instructions. Please provide details of suitable recipes you have (by using the ‘leave a reply’ option) – either with a link to a relevant website or the recipe details themselves. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 16th December 2014 by

The Paleo Diet & Cytoplan

The Paleo Diet & Cytoplan

Let us make it clear! The Paleo Diet is not ‘set in stone’ (sorry for the unintended pun!). Staffan Lindberg at the Department of Medicine,  University of Lund,  Sweden posited the principal of what the diet of Paleolithic Man/ Women was likely to constitute and how massively the diet of today has diverged from this. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 16th December 2014 by