Monthly Archives: February 2015

Omega 3 Supplements – Fish, Krill or Algae?

For a non vegetarian food supplement source of EPA and DHA the ongoing debate this past few years has been ‘which is better – fish or krill oils?’. Fish oils traditionally dominated the EPA and DHA supplement market but the arrival of krill oil a few years ago has shifted this popularity substantially. This is a weighty nutritional debate for both professional health practitioners (and their patients) and the public in general looking for a suitable Omega 3 supplement. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 5th March 2020 by cytoffice

Metabolism & Thyroid Function

Dr Alyssa Burns-Hill PhD is a leading holistic hormonal health specialist who has previously provided us with two fascinating articles on ‘Thyroid Health’ and ‘Support for Disturbed Sleep’. This week she has been kind enough to supply us with another excerpt from her book “Weight Loss Winners and Dieting Downfalls”, concerning the influence that  thyroid function and metabolism can have on ones ability to lose weight.

As Alyssa highlights in her book, “Supporting your thyroid hormones is a major influence in your metabolism that will enhance many positive areas of your health and wellbeing. This can mean a huge difference in your success – both short and long term – in achieving your weight loss goals”. Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 7th February 2025 by cytoffice

Antibiotic Resistance – ‘The Ticking Time Bomb’

“The danger posed by growing resistance to antibiotics should be ranked along with terrorism on a list of threats to the nation, the government’s chief medical officer for England has said. Professor Dame Sally Davies described it as a “ticking time bomb”. She warned that routine operations could become deadly in just 20 years if we lose the ability to fight infection.” Continue reading  ▶

Last updated on 9th January 2025 by cytoffice