Monthly Archives: January 2017

Adding another dimension to the Obesity crisis

It’s that time of year again! Everyone’s talking about which diet they’re going on and what exercise they’re going to do in order to get to their goal weight but, when it comes to obesity, is it really as simple as calories in/energy out?

Our blog this week has been written by Debi-Ann Wrigglesworth, a nutritional therapist with a Masters Degree from the University of Worcester. Debi-Ann looks at how obesity is the most common form of disruption in energy balance, and is a major, and very prevalent, disorder of nutrition.

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Last updated on 25th January 2017 by cytoffice

Action Against Alzheimer’s (AAA) Programme

In November last year, new figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that dementia is now the leading cause of death in England and Wales, replacing ischaemic heart disease. It is the leading cause for women and overall, heart disease remains the leading cause for men.

There isn’t a week that passes where Alzheimer’s or dementia is not in the news – a new drug offers hope, a new drug has failed, a well loved celebrity has the disease, a therapy has shown promise. Nevertheless, although over 244 drugs have been approved for dementia, they have failed to make any real, lasting difference, other than perhaps some short term symptom improvement.

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Last updated on 10th October 2017 by cytoffice

Ask the Professor: Discussing Nutrigenetics in Clinical Practice with Professor Giovanni Scapagnini

“The science of gene-diet interaction is one of the most promising strategies we have in order to improve general health”, a quotation from Professor Giovanni Scapagnini taken from this week’s blog, in which clinical neuroscientist and functional nutrition practitioner Miguel Toribio-Mateas interviews Professor Scapagnini on the complex subject of nutrigenetics and its role in disease prevention and treatment.

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Last updated on 31st January 2025 by cytoffice

Make a healthy start to 2017 – Hints and tips for the perfect smoothie

With the period of over indulgence now over our shoulders for another year, many will be looking to January and February as a period of recovery to make up for the guilt of having one too many mince pies!

To start off the year, we thought we would give you some smoothie tips to assist a healthy start to 2017, and to help you on your way to getting your 5-or-more-a-day. Whether you eat healthily all year round, or are looking to 2017 for a fresh start and have made a New Year’s Resolution, this blog will provide you with a few hints and tips to assist in making a healthy and nutritious smoothie.

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Last updated on 31st January 2025 by cytoffice