Throughout the modern age, life expectancy has been steadily increasing, driven by advances in health care, and improvements in living and working conditions. Since approximately 2011 it has started to slow and current estimates are that now life expectancy has reduced to levels seen a decade earlier, suggesting we are becoming less healthy than we were. Modern science, medicine and technology have allowed us to live longer but are we living better?
The definition of longevity is living a longer and healthier life. It defines not only how long a person is going to live, but how healthy their later life will be. Longevity takes our wellbeing into old age into account and is a better a definition of health ageing than life expectancy.
Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is a nutrient which has gained much interest for supporting longevity. In this blog we will explore the functions of NR, how they impact longevity and look at some of the research behind its use for conditions associated with ageing.
Last updated on 5th February 2025 by cytoffice